Year One
Goals / Objectives:
- Identify Intra/Extra Mural Research Mentors
- Establish links with USC CTSI
- Attend Grant writing workshop series
- Write / Submit / Revise Training Grant Application
- Begin Course Work
- Operationalize research plan and collect data
- Complete progress report of current years activities
Year One Timeline:
Prior to fellowship starting:
- Preliminary research project plan
- Identification of mentors
- Become active member of campus wide CTSI, develop research relationship with fellows in other departments
- Finalize research project plans, begin projects
- Submit Grant Application
- Begin MPH/MSci Coursework
- Submit abstracts of current research projects to national emergency medicine research conferences, Attend conferences and present abstracts as accepted
- Research Project
- Submit abstracts of current research projects to national emergency medicine research conferences
- MPH/MSci Coursework
- Research Project
- Submit abstracts of current research projects to national emergency medicine research conferences, Attend conferences and present abstracts as accepted
- Submit abstracts of current research projects to national emergency medicine research conferences, Attend conferences and present abstracts as accepted
- MPH/MSci coursework
- Submit and edit manuscripts for publication
- Ongoing research project