Photo by Suzanne Neubauer

By David Hoffman, DO

Hey Everyone, welcome back! In this post, we’re going to be focusing on two more exciting FOAM sites. They are:

EM in 5


Heard of the Cunningham technique? Or confused by the plethora of shoulder relocation techniques and their eponyms? Kocher? Modified Milch? Zero Position? And what’s the deal with scapular manipulation—where do I push, how do I push, why?

If you’ve been practicing for even a year, it’s likely you’ve encountered a shoulder or two that’s been difficult to relocate. Maybe you’ve witnessed traction/countertraction with excessive yanking or pulling. Fortunately, there is is a website created by Neil Cunningham et al. dedicated to discussing the different types of shoulder relocation techniques.
The highlights of the site are the easy-to-follow videos demonstrating each technique. What is most compelling about these techniques is their simplicity, the lack of force needed, and the relative pain-free nature.

Suggestion: Check out the Cunningham and Zero position techniques, and their respective analgesic positions. Give them a try on your next shoulder dislocation.

  1. EM in 5

EM in 5 is a website dedicated to quick and dirty 5 minute lectures.

The beauty of the site is:

  • Visually engaging.
  • Concise. While brief and fairly basic, they are high yield and great for quick review.
  • Categorized by system for easy navigation and ability to focus review.
  • Again, only 5 minutes

Suggestion: For a quick example, check out this video on 5th metatarsal fractures, summarized below:

5th Metatarsal Fractures:

Why do we care? High incidence of non-union and healing

3 Types: 1) Stress 2) Jones 3) Avulsion

Bottom Line: Stress and Jones (1 & 2) have higher incidence of non-union, and therefore patients need to be non-weight bearing with close ortho follow up. Avulsions (3) heal better and therefore can be weight bearing as tolerated with less-urgent ortho follow up.
